As we wait for JAMB to release the results of the 2023 exams, many candidates have been asking questions on what score they need in the exam to guarantee admission to their desired school and course of choice. I have received many questions like, “My score is 150, 160, 170, 180, Can I get admission in so-so school?” This post is to address your questions. I will make it easy and straightforward to understand.
JAMB score alone does not really guarantee admission. Your admission will also depend on your school of choice and course as well as other admission factors. I have seen candidates that scored well above 200 but ended up not gaining admission and I have equally seen candidates that scored below 180 and yet secured admission.
Assuming your JAMB score is 200 and you chose a school like UNILORIN, UNIBEN or UNILAG to study a competitive course (like engineering, medicine, computer science, Law etc) you should consider changing either the school or the course reason being that those courses are very competitive in those schools (meaning a large number of candidates who may have a higher score than you are equally seeking admission in such schools or courses). So for you to stand a better chance of gaining admission you have to adjust your choices.
The same thing applies to someone that scored like 150 and wants to study political science, Mass communication, Buss admin in a school like LASU, AAU or any other competitive state university. Those courses are quite competitive in those schools so you have to adjust your choices as well. In this case, a polytechnic is a better choice.
So in essence, what I am saying is you have to consider your JAMB score and then decide if you stand a chance to compete for admission in your school of choice as well as the course. If not, you have to check for schools and courses that give you a better chance to compete for admission and change to those schools or courses. Checking the previous cut-off marks of the school for the various courses offered will help you sort these things out.
When it comes to JAMB score, the rule is this, if your score is below or not well above the general cut-off mark of your school of choice, it is advisable you change the school. Similarly, If your score is below or not well above the cut-off mark for your chosen course of study, it is advisable you change your course.
Soon JAMB will commence change of courses and institutions. We will inform you once it commences and guidelines on how to proceed.
In conclusion, JAMB scores alone no matter how high may give you an edge in the admission process but do not guarantee admission. Other factors like Catchment Area, Post-UTME Score, O’level Result, Educationally less developed States, admission quota etc also play a huge role in determining who gets admission.