This is to inform all 2017 JAMB candidates that JAMB has re-opened the portal for the change of course and institution as well as data correction.
All candidates who wish to effect changes on either their course, institution or their bio-data details can proceed to do so at the closest JAMB CBT accredited centre.
You can also correct your Bio-data which include your name, date of birth, gender, State and Local Government of origin.
What You Should Know About JAMB 2017 Change of Course/Institution & Data Correction
Before you proceed to do that, please make sure you do the following;
-Be sure of the Course/Institution you would like to make changes. Verify if the course is available in the school using the JAMB Brochure.
-Ensure verify that the school you are changing to does not usually have a cut off mark higher than your score.
– Ensure you select a Course/Institution that is in line with your subject combination to avoid being screened out during your school’s admission screening exercise.
READ ALSO: How To Process 2017 Change of Course/Institution & Correction Of Data
Also note the following;
– You can change one or all your courses/institutions at the same time.
– Once the form is submitted, you can no longer make any changes again.
– There may be a limited number of schools or courses you can change to, so be sure to have 3 or 4 options, just in case the one you want to change to is not available.
– The cost for the change of course/institution and Data correction is N2,500.
– You can use the one time payment of N2, 500 to change your institution, course, name, date of birth, State and Local Government of origin.
Note: the accredited centre will change an additional fee.
If you have successfully done yours, use the comment section to let us know how it went.