The long awaited 2014 Utme (PPT) is over..
The exam which drew about a million candidates from various states to travel down to other states in order to sit for the annual examination.
Speaking at an interview this afternoon with news reporters in Abuja, the Jamb registrar, Prof.Dibu Ojerinde commended the Jamb examiners for their subordinated and apprehended attitudes before, during and after the exam.He also assured the masses that this year's utme result 'll be properly assessed as cases of "no biometric verification" 'll be looked into.
The Jamb registrar also advised the ex-Jambites not to give up in reading as a greater exam (Post Utme) lies ahead of them, and that it'll really be competitive as only 1st choice of university is available for each university aspirant.
Responding at the interview was a candidate who complained that, this year's utme questions on Use of English were quite tougher as compared to last year. Saying that, he is a science student and couldn't understand the passage and registers properly, as they both were coined out of Government.
A senior lecturer of UniAbuja who claimed anonymity also made his opinion by stating reasons why most candidates complained at some centres he visited. He said this was due to non-compliance of the candidates with Jamb's directives and that, most of the candidates failed to study for the exam.
The lecturer further wished all the candidates success in their utme and prayed that they all advance to another phase of examination(Post Utme).
*Bassey Eyo*