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JAMB Recommended Books for Literature in English
- African:
- Wole Soyinka: The Lion and the Jewel
- Non-African:
- John Osborne: Look Back in Anger
- African:
- Alex Agyei-Agyir: Unexpected Joy at Dawn
- Buchi Emecheta: Second Class Citizen
- Non-African:
- Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights.
- African:
- Leopold Sedar Senghor: Black Woman
- Niyi Osundare: The Leader and the Led
- Agostinho Neto: The Grieved
- Oumar Farouk Sesay: The Song of the Women of my Land
- Lade Wosornu: Raider of the Treasure Trove
- Onu Chibuike: A Government Driver on his Retirement
- Non-African:
- John Donne: The Good Morrow
- Maya Angelou: Caged Bird
- S. Elliot: The Journey of the Magi
- H Lawrence: Bats
- Obafemi, O. and Agoi (eds) Of shadows and Rainbows –Musings in Times of Covid (An Anthology of poems, plays and short stories) PEN Nigeria, Online
- Hayward, J. (ed.) (1968) The Penguin Book of English Verse, London Penguin
- Johnson, R.,Ker, D, Maduka,C. Obafemi,O (eds.) (1996) New Poetry from Africa, Ibadan: UP Plc
- Kermode, F. (1964) Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Vol. II, London: OUP
- Nduke Ofiono and Odoh Diego Okenyodo (eds) Camouflage; Best of contemporary writing from Nigeria, an anthology of new Nigerian writers, mace books association, 2021, New
- Parker, E.W. (ed.) (1980) A Peagent of Longer Poems London: Longman
- Senanu, K. E. and Vincent, T. (eds.) (1993) A Selection of African Poetry, Lagos: Longman
- Soyinka, W. (ed.) (1987) Poems of Black Africa, Ibadan: Heinemann
- Abrams, M. H. (1981) A Glossary of Literary Terms, (4th Edition) New York, Holt Rinehalt and Winston
- Emeaba, O. E. (1982) A Dictionary of Literature, Aba: Inteks Press
- Murphy, M. J. (1972) Understanding Unseen, An Introduction to English Poetry and English Novel for Overseas Students, George Allen and Unwin Ltd.