There have been controversies over the correct name of the Author for the Official JAMB Novel for the coming UTME; "SWEET SIXTEEN". Since the Novel was confirmed by JAMB at the beginning of registration, various versions of the Author's Name have popped up; So can we spell it as "Abdullai" or "Abdullahi", if it comes out in the exam? The difference in name is the letter "H". We want to put an end to this confusion right now.
First of all, it's important to note that the version released by JAMB to test candidates in the coming UTME is a slimmer or summary version of the original version composed by the Author. The original version has 157 pages, while the version released by JAMB has only 53 pages. The confusion stems from the fact that there are two versions of the book with one bearing "Bolaji Abdullai" and the other bearing Bolaji "Abdullahi".
In the original version, the Author's name is written as "Bolaji Abdullai", while the version by JAMB is written as "Bolaji Abdullahi". Although they sound similar, the difference is the letter "H" in the JAMB Version. Since schoolgist.ng does not believe the Author would make a mistake in his own name stated in the original version, it is safe to say that JAMB made a mistake in the Author's name. Oh yes, JAMB makes mistakes too. :)
Based on these findings, we hope JAMB does not test candidates to state the name of the Author in the coming exams. Even if they do, we hope they don't bring out the two varying names as options, rather we expect them to place other Authors in the options.
Be that as it may, if you're confronted with a question where the two varying names are placed as options for you to select the Author's Name, please select the name that appears on the JAMB Version of the Novel, which is Sweet Sixteen by Bolaji Abdullahi.
So you now know what option to pick if you see the question; "Who is the Author of the book, Sweet sixteen?".
Please feel free to check Exam Revision for the Novel "Sweet Sixteen" by Bolaji Abdullahi