Many 2023 UTME candidates who participated in the JAMB Mock exam and even those who did not participate are eager to know when the mock exam results will be released. JAMB should release and upload the results on their portal for candidates to check, usually, within 48 hours after the exam. Since we understand that the result may be sent individually to each candidate via SMS or email, we're creating this post to alert all candidates if this happens or when it is available on the portal.
Whatever the case, we will use this thread to monitor when the results for the JAMB Mock exams are released and sent to candidates. Please do well to let us know as a comment to this publication, anytime you receive a notification of your result, so others can check.
Meanwhile, the date for the commencement of the main exam remains April 29th, 2023. Candidates are advised to take the preparations for the exam more seriously. Get the SchoolGist JAMB CBT Mobile App for android phones or the SchoolGist JAMB CBT Software for Computer systems. Both contain over 60,000 JAMB past questions and answers to help you get adequately ready for the exam.
Please let us know if you receive any message from JAMB concerning the release of results for the 2023 Mock Exam.
You can come here from time to time to check the comments for the status of the 2023 JAMB mock results.