JAMB Mock Exam Questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Exam Questions for 2017 UTME

Based on logistics, we have created a thread for candidates who participated in the JAMB mock exam to share some of the questions they came across during the exam.

A thread for each subject has been created. We strongly advise that you comment the questions you came across during the mock examination in the appropriate thread. For instance, do not comment English questions in the thread meant for Mathematics.

This does not mean you should stop reading your books and practicing past questions. It is just to give you a fresh idea of the kind of questions to expect. Who knows, similar questions may come up during the main examination.

If possible, you can go ahead to provide the options that were given for each of the questions.

Please also ensure you keep it credible and straight forward.

Use the links below to access the threads for the different subjects as applicable;

JAMB Mock English questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Mathematics questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Chemistry questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Biology questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Physics questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Government questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Commerce questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Economics questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Accounts questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Literature questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock CRK questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock IRK questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Agric questions for 2017 UTME

JAMB Mock Geography questions for 2017 UTME

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