All candidates who have registered for the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and indicated interest to take the optional mock examination are advised to reprint their notification slips if they have not done so already.
The new date for the mock exam is Thursday, 3rd June 2021. Candidates are therefore advised to reprint their slips which will bear the new date and details. For details on how to print your mock exam slip, CLICK HERE
For those who will not be taking the mock exam, we advise you to download the SchoolGist JAMB CBT Mobile App and/or SchoolGist JAMB CBT Software for Computers. These will give you the same Mock Exam Experience.
Remember also that there will be a LIVE UPDATES thread to also help you monitor the proceedings of the mock exam nationwide. We will also discuss experiences, questions and answers from the mock. So ensure you get the SchoolGist App to stay updated.
According to JAMB, "the slip contains the candidates’ details such as registration number and, most importantly, the centre at which they are to sit for the examination within their chosen examination town and the expected time to be at the centre.”
“Candidates need to print their slips and study the contents to know the location of their centres as some candidates do not read the instructions on their slips only for them to be looking for the name of their examination town instead of their examination centre on the day of the exercise,” he said.