This post is dedicated to answering some common questions candidates usually ask concerning JAMB CBT Exam. We will try our best to give you a clear and precise answer to the questions. If you are preparing for the JAMB CBT exam this year. This is a must-read for you. Take time to go through the questions and the answers.
If you are yet to take the ongoing JAMB exam, you need to practice daily with the First Class learners JAMB exam app or software before your exam and be ready for the JAMB exam. In case you have not downloaded and activated yours, download now via the links below;
- Download 2023 Best JAMB CBT App for Android phones and tablets
- Download 2023 Best JAMB CBT Software for computer systems
What Do I Do First When I Get To My JAMB CBT Exam Centre?
The first thing you should do when you get to the exam centre is your Biometric verification which involves the thumb printing and verification of your biodata. You will be guided on this by the invigilators or supervisor. You may have to wait until the supervisor or whoever is in charge says it is time for the biometric verification.
How do I Start Answering JAMB CBT Exam Questions?
Once you get to your seat after the biometric verification, your computer system should already be on. You will only need to enter your JAMB Registration Number in the space provided to login. Once you are logged in, you will see the needed instructions and a tab that says “Start Exam”. Once you click on that tab, your exam has started. You will now be able to see the subjects, the questions, and the options. You are to use your eight-key device or mouse to navigate and select the answers to the questions as appropriate.
How Many Questions Am I expected to Answer During JAMB CBT Exam?
You will be expected to answer 180 questions. 60 questions will be set in Use of English and 40 questions in each of the other three (3) subjects, bringing the total number to 180.
How Much Time Will I be Given During JAMB CBT Exam?
You will be given 2 hours to answer all the 180 questions.
When Does The Time Start Counting Down?
Many candidates think that once the timing starts for one candidate in the hall, it is going to be the same for all the candidates in the hall. That is not true! Unless every candidate in the hall started at the same time. This is because the computer systems are not networked, they function independently. Your own time starts counting only after you have clicked on “START EXAM.”
ALSO READ: How To Answer JAMB CBT Exam Questions And Score High
How do I know how much time I have spent on The Exam?
The time will be displayed on the computer screen during the examination. You will see it counting down.
What Happens If I fail to Submit My Exam Before The Time Finishes?
JAMB CBT exam will last for 2 hours. You are expected to answer 180 questions (English: 60 and 40 questions from each of the other 3 subjects). If for any reason you are unable to finish before the 2 hours, the system will submit all the questions you have answered automatically and logs you out. This is called “Auto – Submit” If that happens, do not panic, You will still get your result. But do all you can to finish before time and submit your answers by your self. I have detailed information on how to maximize your time during the JAMB CBT Exam. You can read that by CLICKING HERE.
Can I Edit Or Change My Answers After Selection?
Yes! If for any reason you need to change the option or answer you selected for a question any time during the examination provided your time is still counting. So if you discover that you have selected a wrong answer during the examination, feel free to make the needed changes by going back to that particular question and selecting what you think is the appropriate option.
Can I skip Questions And Answer Them Later During JAMB CBT Exam?
Yes. You can skip questions you do not have a ready answer for or questions that are taking quite some time to crack and come back to answer them later provided that there your 2 hours have not finished.
What Are The Common Computer Issues In JAMB CBT Exam And Solutions?
The computer system may have some issues during the exam. Some of the known and common issues are ;
- Computer freezing: If your system freezes or start hanging, just press ctrl + F5 on your keypad or just simply press F5 to unfreeze it.
- Log-Out Issues: These is not supposed to happen until your time finishes. However, just in case the system logs you not when you have not finished. Don’t Panic! Just simply log in again using your JAMB Registration Number or call the attention of an invigilator.
- Other Issues: There are some other issues that may occur, which are way beyond your control e.g. Power Shutdown, Network or Server Issues e.t.c. If these or any other issues occur that you do not have control over, please call the attention of the invigilator or supervisor immediately.
ALSO READ: 7 Important Things You Must Know Before Exam Day
What Are The Things I Should bring To The JAMB CBT Exam Hall?
Candidates are to bring a print out of their e-slip that shows their passport photographs, biodata, examination venue, date and time.
What Are The Things I Shouldn’t Bring To The JAMB CBT Exam Hall?
Candidates should NOT bring in the following to the JAMB Exam hall: Phones, Bags, Calculator or any foreign material that is incriminating. Like I stated above. You are only to bring the e-slip showing your passport photograph, biodata, examination venue, date and time. CLICK HERE to see full list of items you should not come with.
Will I Be Provided A Calculator During JAMB CBT Exam?
Yes! You will be provided a calculator during the examination. However, the calculator is not the normal calculator that you know. The calculator you will use during the JAMB CBT Exam is called ONSCREEN CALCULATOR. It will be on the computer screen. CLICK HERE to read how to use the On-screen calculator
When Will I Get My JAMB Result After JAMB CBT Exam?
JAMB usually notify candidates of their results 2 or 3 days after the examination. However, it may be delayed due to the fact that JAMB may want to take time to review all that happened during the exam via the CCTV cameras installed in the CBT centres before releasing the results. The results may be sent to your email or checked via JAMB portal.
I believe most of the questions you have concerning the JAMB CBT exam have been answered. Practice daily with the First Class learners JAMB exam app or software before your exam and be ready for the JAMB exam. In case you have not downloaded and activated yours, download now via the links below;