After the release of the Saturday 17th may CBT results earlier yesterday, it is assumed and deduced that for the period of two weeks in which the CBT exams will take place, the result for each day will be released in a maximum of 48hourz(i.e 2days). That is, candidate should expect results in 48hours after exam.
As at now, the results of candidates who wrote their exam on Monday 19th is not yet out but speculated to be released tomorrow which makes it 2days after exam.
NEVERTHELESS, some candidates who wrote the saturday 17th may exam are yet to receive their results by text messages or email which have installed fears in them.
No need to worry, we are made to believe your results are online but due to technical and electronic problems which is bound to happen anytime; your results is not delivered to you yet on your device.
Its clearly logical that you guys should buy the e-bundle access card to check your results online.
NOTE: Even if you get your result by text message, you will still need to buy the e-bundle scratch card to print your result online..
Not to forget, that you can get your e-bundle scratch card from SchoolGist team. Order for the e-bundle scratch card for result checking on this link:JAMB e-bundle Request