You can now download the Best JAMB CBT App and Software which are your first choice tools for 2024 UTME preparation. They are designed specially to help candidates adequately prepare for the forthcoming JAMB exam as they contain all you need to excel. A good number of the candidates that used the app and the software in the last JAMB scored up to 300 and above.
Download the Best JAMB CBT App 2024 for Android phones and tablets
Download the Best JAMB CBT Software 2024 for computer systems (DESKTOP/LAPTOP)
You will have access to the latest recommended texts for English Language and Literature in English as well as get familiar with the exact JAMB CBT Environment such that it will no longer be a problem for you during the examination.
The JAMB CBT App and software will help you cover a good number of the questions and answers from all subjects before the exam day. This will without doubt position you to score high in the exams.
Available CBT Subjects
The updated JAMB CBT App and Software contains the following subjects
- English language
- Mathematics
- Commerce
- Accounting
- Literature in English
- Biology
- Economics
- Government
- Agricultural Science
- Christian Religious Knowledge
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Geography
- Islamic Studies
- Home Economics
- Hausa
- History
- Life Changer
- JAMB CBT App 2024 for Android phones and tablets
- JAMB CBT Software 2024 for computer systems (DESKTOP/LAPTOP)
Benefits of Using Best JAMB CBT App and Software
- Practice JAMB questions and answers without an internet connection
- Test your self with our periodic Mock Exam that will help improve your ability to answer JAMB past questions
- Work for the entire lifetime of the device once activated.
- Contains summary and questions from the recommended JAMB Text for the English Language, “Life Changer“
- Contains a detailed summary of all the recommended texts for Literature in English
- Access to the latest JAMB syllabus
- Comes with explanations for answers provided for each subject
- You to search for questions related to a particular topic and its answer.
- Help you get familiar with the JAMB CBT environment.
- Practice Question Year by Year
- Contains On-screen Calculator
- No re-subscription Fee is required. Once activated, forever activated for all subjects!
- And much more
The Android Mobile App is for candidates who want it on their Android Phones.

The Computer Software is for candidates who want it on their Laptops/Desktop Computers.

Download Best JAMB CBT App and Software free
Candidates will be required to first download the Mobile Application or the Computer Software. You can download now via the links provided below;
To download it on your Android Mobile Phones or Tablets, CLICK HERE
To download it on your Computer Systems (Desktop/Laptop), CLICK HERE
For inquiries, call: 07065118584