More than 80% of intending JAMBites in Nigeria have been thrown into deep fears of the unknown since the Official statement by JAMB to introduce Computer Based Test (CBT) for 2013 UTME. But come to think of it, do you have to be afraid?
Computer Based Test are simple and questions asked are often simpler than the usual Pen and Paper Test (PPT). The only problem with CBT is that our students are not used to the computer environment and interface.
Now imagine having a simulated CBT software installed in your home computer or personal laptop, and have the children (all JAMBites in the house) use it and play around with questions. That is what Nigeria needs. Such children that have this opportunity will score wonderfully in JAMB.
How does it work?
1. The CBT practice software is simpler than a video game, but very addictive to use.
2. It installs on any computer window (desktop or laptop).
3. Upon login, users will be prompted to choose subjects.
4. Users can also set a time limit for the particular study year (50 questions per subject, 100 for English).
6. The program contain well solved JAMB past question from 1978 to 2012 inside.
7. Students can play around with the questions and the system will provide their scores at the end of a section.
8. The program gives you a detailed analysis of your answers, and advices you on the next one.
9. When you are tired on a particular time, you close the window and continue next time.
10. etc.
SchoolGist is a blessing to Nigerian students! Imagine knowing the answers to all JAMB questions stored in your head like a game. Now tell us why you cannot score 300 in JAMB CBT this year!
All you need is request for the software. Available in soft-copies (downloadable from this website) and hard copies (in CDs). To get a copy of this incredible package, simply click here and follow instructions. Meanwhile share the good news with your friends, family and even your enemies!
SchoolGist Rocks!