JAMB has announced a new deadline for the sales of pin and registration for 2023 Direct Entry candidates. According to JAMB, the sale of e-PINs would close on Saturday, 26th May, while registration of those who obtained the e-PIN ends on Tuesday, 30th May, the examination body said in a statement by its spokesperson, Fabian Benjamin. Mr Benjamin said the 2023 DE registration, which commenced in February, was extended for all desiring candidates to register.
Meanwhile, JAMB has also expanded registration areas in Lagos to cater for more candidates ahead of the new closing date. All genuine aspiring DE candidates, who are yet to register for the exercise are, therefore, urged to ensure they register before the new deadline as the Board would not entertain any further extension.
JAMB spokesperson said the board has largely completed registration in other places, except Lagos where a number of outstanding candidates remain in the board’s offices. He said the board has also adopted a scheduling system whereby candidates are allocated to specific days for their DE registration to preclude any further incidence of overcrowding.
He added that JAMB has granted some registration access points to ETC/JKK centre to ensure that all desiring candidates in Lagos are registered and advised all eligible candidates for the DE in Lagos to either visit the Ikoyi office of JAMB to be registered or proceed to ETC/JKK Ikorodu Road, Anthony, to register before the closing date.