This is the LIVE UPDATES post for JAMB 2024 Mock Exam. This post's comment section will help us monitor the happenings at the various centres nationwide and serve as a means of providing updates to candidates who do not have the opportunity to write the mock. This post will also help candidates learn a few things that may be vital on the actual exam day which starts on 19th April, 2024.
We, therefore, advise candidates to check this post's comment section every minute to view the latest comments and updates on the 2024 JAMB mock exams happening nationwide. Remember, the mock exam is designed to help JAMB test its Systems. It's also an opportunity for JAMB candidates to have first-hand knowledge of any new technology that JAMB may have put in place for the 2024 UTME.
For those who won't be taking part in the mock, and would like to have some experience of the real JAMB CBT Exam, we advise you to get the JAMB CBT Mobile App or/and you can also get the actual SchoolGist JAMB CBT Software. You definitely won't regret it.
Candidates taking the mock exam are urged to use the comment section to update us every inch of the way. Let us know when you get to your centre, any delays, and problems experienced as well as any other occurrence worthy of note.
If you wish to take pictures of anything happening at the centre, you can do that and attach a copy in the comment section as evidence. This may help JAMB officials avert such occurrences in the main exam.
Please let us know the State and Centre you are reporting from so that the JAMB officials looking at this post can take note, and make the relevant adjustments before the actual exam day.
At SchoolGist, we're known for always coming up with contests to give back to our awesome students. So for candidates that will be participating in the mock, this contest is for you. We will be giving out N50,000.
N25,000 will be given to the 5 best-composed mock experiences and 25,000 to the 5 best-compiled sets of questions. The amount shared N5000 each to the winners in the two categories
Later today, we will create two posts; " JAMB mock experience", and "JAMB mock exam questions", which will be posted on this website around 3 - 4 pm, after we believe most candidates would be done with the exams. Candidates are to SEPARATELY provide their experiences and compilation of questions from the mock as comments on each post as appropriate. This means a brilliant candidate that follows instructions can actually win in both categories on the same day.
If you've completed your mock exam before the time we provide the posts, kindly note all your experiences and questions until we publish the posts for the contest.
Winners will be announced by Monday, 11th March 2024. To be one of the winners, you only have to provide a well-detailed personal experience as well as a well-compiled set of questions from the UTME mock. More instructions will be provided when we publish the posts.
Remember that mobile phones are not allowed into the hall, so don't use the excuse of providing updates to take your phones into the hall. You can share your experiences after the exam.
While in the hall, please take note of everything;
- Observe the conduct of your CBT centre, and let us know the name and location of the CBT centre
- Let us know if you observed any issues with checking into the hall (maybe identification issues)
- Let us know if there are CCTV Cameras in your hall
- Are there any special instructions you were given before starting the exam?
- Check if there is any special feature(s) on the computer systems
- When you log in to take an exam, check how the CBT environment is laid out.
- Take note of some of the features of the CBT interface like; the location of the time, subject and exam navigation, your profile picture e.t.c.
- Take note of some of the questions you were asked.
- Check if there is provision for the use of both Keyboard and Mouse
- Check the time given for the exam
- Check the number of questions given.
- Finally, check if there is anything remarkable with the whole setup and process.
Ensure you keep your items safe! Your phones, bags, money e.t.c. Please note that not everyone, who comes to the hall came for just the exam. Some people just came there to steal so keep your things safe.
Just update us as much as you can, and we will appreciate every bit of information you pass across. We will create a post for you to share detailed experiences after the mock. We at SchoolGist will also be updating you from time to time by posting new updates in the comment section.
For those who won't be taking part in the mock, and would like to have some experience of the JAMB CBT Exam, we advise you to get the JAMB CBT Mobile App or/and you can also get the actual SchoolGist JAMB CBT Software. You definitely won't regret it.
Remember, we're giving out N50,000 to either of the best, well-composed experiences and questions posted in the comment section of two other publications titled: "JAMB mock experience" and "JAMB mock exam questions", which will be posted on this website around 3 - 4 pm today after we believe most candidates would be done with the exams.