The printing of the 2023 JAMB mop-up exam slip has commenced. Candidates for the mop-up exam can now proceed to print their examination slips. Candidates under these categories are those who were verified at their centres but could not sit the examination; those who could not be biometrically verified, and those with mismatched data.
The printing of the exam slip is to enable you to know your schedule for the exam i.e the time, and venue as well as other relevant information. Candidates can print their slips via the e-service Portal. See the steps below on how you can do that via the official portal.
Steps To Print 2023 Mop-up UTME Slip
- Visit: https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/PrintmopupExaminationSlip
- Enter your JAMB Reg Number, the Phone Number used in registration where required
- Click on "Print Mop Up Examination Slip" and proceed to view and print yours.
It should be noted that candidates who, for whatever reasons, were absent at their centres during the earlier exam are NOT eligible for the mop-up examination and so need not attempt to print as there won't be any to print.