This thread is for candidates who participated in the ongoing JAMB exam today, June 23rd. We would love you to share your experiences concerning the examination as well as some of the questions you encountered in the exam hall (the ones you can remember).
For those that are yet to write, you need to get your own JAMB CBT Mobile App or the JAMB CBT Computer Software to carry out final preparations before your own exams if you have not done so already. You will also get future notifications as it concerns your 2021 Admission Process.
For those that took the exam today, tell us what the experience was like;
- What was the verification process like?
- Were there security officials?
- Did the exam commence at the exact time stated on your slip?
- Were there CCTV cameras in the hall?
- Was there adherence to the COVID-19 protocol? (like the use of face mask, sanitizers, spacing etc)
- How many invigilators were in the hall?
- Did you experience any technical glitch with the questions; like incomplete questions, incomplete answer options, blank options, etc?
- Were you allowed to take any material like biro, pencil into the hall?
- Was there a provision of a rough sheet for calculations?
- Were you required to power on the system? Or was it already powered on when you got there?
- How many questions were asked in each of the subjects?
- Was there provision for both mouse and keyboard?
- Were you able to use the onscreen calculator,?
- Did the system shut down automatically (for those their time elapsed before they were able to finish)?
- Was there any other technical issue you encountered during the examination?
- Are there some irregularities you observed with the process and the exam itself?
- What are the other things you think candidates that did not participate in the mock exam should know?
You can equally share some of the questions you encountered in the exam hall today here. It is just for other candidates to have an idea of what to expect.
Please note, this thread is specifically to share actual questions that were asked today June 23rd in the ongoing 2021 UTME. Please don't start posting some fake questions and answers you copied somewhere on the internet, they will be deleted. Ensure the questions you post here are among the ones you encountered in the exam hall. We simply want to collectively learn.
Specify the subject and then drop as many questions as you can remember that were set in today's exam.