We understand that some candidates for the 208 UTME are still unable to print their exam slip and thus unable to know their exam date, venue and time.
This is disturbing considering that the JAMB examination begins on Friday.
Just like we promised to help you whichever way we can to ensure your admission journey is a successful one, we though it necessary to create this thread.
The thread basically is to help candidates who have been unable to check their exam slip on JAMB portal.
You can use the Official Link To Print JAMB Exam Slip For 2018 UTME to see if you can print yours now.
Nevertheless, apart from the fact that JAMB may not have uploaded the exam details of all candidates, there could be other reasons that may have been responsible for candidates being unable to check their exam slip, ranging from poor internet network, use of opera Mini (wrong browser to access JAMB website) etc.
So if you have been unable to get your JAMB exam slip, all you need to do is post a comment indicating your JAMB registration Number or email for other candidates who have been able to check theirs to check for you as well.
Once any one have been able to confirm your exam schedule or details, we advise you proceed to the closest Cyber Café to print out at least 2 copies of it.
Foir those who will be helping out to check candidates' exam slips, please also post a screen shot of it on the comment section for confirmation purposes.