Many 2017 UTME candidates have been asking questions on, “how much is JAMB 2017 UTME/DE Registration Fee, steps and where to get the E-PIN?” We want to use this medium to spell it out.
As earlier announced by JAMB in its official publication regarding the conduct of 2017 UTME, the amount required for registration E-PIN for both JAMB UTME and Direct Entry candidates is Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000).
An E-PIN simply means Electronic Personal Identification Number. It is used to upload your data or information online during JAMB registration at any accredited JAMB CBT Registration centres.
Please note that e-PINS being purchased are tied to individual profile and are not transferable. That is to say you cannot use it for any other JAMB Profile account.
Candidates are advised to keep as confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, e-mail addresses and E-Pins.
Candidates registering for UTME will be required to pay additional Five Hundred Naira (₦500) only to get the newly JAMB recommended Book for UTME candidates- “In Dependence”. You can read about the book here.
On the other hand, Direct Entry Candidates will be required to pay additional Five Hundred Naira (₦500) to get the JAMB Recommended book for Direct Entry Candidates: The Last Days at Forcados High School.
As usual, accredited centres are allowed to charge only Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) from the candidates for the processing of their registration. Any centre that charges more than Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) should be reported to JAMB for appropriate sanctions.
SEE LIST OF JAMB 2017 Accredited Registration Centres
Interested candidates are advised to indicate their interest in the mock examination during the registration process.
The CBT Centres are allowed to collect through their (CBT Centres) bank accounts, a separate Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) only, for this exercise after notification of centre has been received by the Candidate. The payment for mock examination shall be made to the centres to which the candidate is assigned after the notification of assigned centres for the mock examination.
Also for those that will be sitting for the optional mock examination, they will be required to pay additional fee of Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) only. The payment for the mock examination shall be made to the exam centres to which the candidate is assigned after the notification of assigned centres for the mock examination which comes up on Saturday 8 April, 2017. So you are NOT to pay for Mock until JAMB assigns you to a CBT centre for the mock examination. However, you are to indicate if you want to write the mock examination or not during your UTME registration.
JAMB 2017 UTME/DE Registration Fee, Steps And Where To Get The E-PIN
Total Fee To Be Paid For 2017 JAMB Registration (UTME/DE)
So for 2017 UTME candidates who wish to write the mock examination, the total fee will be N5000 + N500 + N700 + N700 = N6,900 (Six Thousand, Nine Hundred Naira).
While for 2017 UTME candidates that do not want to sit for the mock examination and 2017 Direct Entry Candidates, total fee is N5000 + N500 + N700 = N6,200 (Six Thousand, Two Hundred Naira).
The 2017 JAMB Registration Step By Step Guide
1. Creation Of JAMB Profile: The fist step tom take towards your 2017 UTME registration is to create your JAMB personal profile. Without creating this profile, you will bot be able to proceed with other steps of the registration. the good thing is that you can create the JAMB profile yourself. To do that now, follows the steps on this link: How To Create Personal JAMB Profile
Note: If you already have an account, you can print UTME Pre-payment slip if you have account already (this is a tender for your bank payment)
Login to your dashboard and click UTME Registration to print the Pre-payment Slip
2. JAMB UTME Pin Vending: The second step is the PIN vending. Once your are done with creating your JAMB profile, Upon account creation, print the confirmation mail and take it to the bank for payment(PIN vending) after which you will be giving your ePIN which will allow you input your details on JAMB portal. Now the question is, where do I get the PIN?
Where To Buy 2017 JAMB Registration E-PINs:
The 2017 UTME Registration forms or e-PINs are available at all the JAMB 2017 accredited centres. Representatives from the approved banks will be present at the premised of the various accredited centres to collect the registration fee from candidates. Staff of accredited centres are not allowed to collect money from candidates.
IMPORTANT: You can now make payment and get your JAMB ePIN without going to the bank. CLICK HERE to see how.
Candidates can equally obtain the registration E-PINs at JAMB Offices Nationwide.
So there is no much hassle. Just visit any accredited JAMB registration centre or JAMB offices nation wide and purchase the registration E-PIN and at the same time process and complete your registration.
However, whereby you are unable to get the E-PINs at the aforementioned locations, you can get the E-Pins at any of these banks: Access Bank, Zenith Bank, Unity Bank, Skye Bank, GTBank, Jaiz Bank, FCMB, UBA, Sterling Bank, First Bank, Fidelity Bank, Union Bank
ALSO READ: 5 Simple Steps To Get Your JAMB ePIN Online
3. Complete Registration: The last stage of the registration process is the actual registration on JAMB portal where you will be required to input your details on JAMB portal and capture your finger prints. Ensure you confirm your information is correct before you submit. Print your registration slip after submission. A date will be announced when you will reprint your slip to know your actual exam date time and centre.
READ ALSO: How To Make Your 2017 UTME Registration Faster And Stress Free