JAMB 2016 Exam Slip Checking Thread - Know your exam date, time & venue here - It's Free!

JAMB 2016 Exam Slip Checking Thread - Know your exam date, time & venue here - It's Free!

This thread has been created particularly for those who are, for one reason or the other, unable to check or reprint their JAMB 2016 Exam Slip at the moment.

We had to create this thread now because we got reports of candidates, who are saying they have exams on 27th Feb (two days before the announced date for exam to begin).

Please note that knowing the details of your exam date, time and venue, does not prevent you from having a printed or hard copy of the actual exam slip before the exam day. This means you must eventually print your exam slip before going for your exam.

You are advised to use an actual computer system but If you must use a mobile phone, avoid using Opera Mini to open JAMB Site. It does not work well.

If you don't know how to check JAMB exam slip or if you want to do it yourself, please read; How to reprint your JAMB Exam Slip for 2016 UTME and then come back here to help others.

To organize this thread,

[[[[[[[ If you want SchoolGisters to check your JAMB exam slip for you, Just scroll to the bottom of the page, find the comment box, and post your JAMB registration number. ***Please do not post it as a reply under a comment*** ]]]]]]]

[[[[[[[ If you want to help other SchoolGisters, who have already posted their registration number, simply click on the "reply" link under their comment then copy and paste the details of the exam slip. ***Please try to avoid posting this as a new comment so that this service can be organized*** ]]]]]]]

Even after knowing your exam venue, date and time today, you are advised to do a confirmation check of your slip on 24th Feb and also 2 days to your exam day to be double sure.

Goodluck and try to help others check.

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