I got to my centre late, around 8:33am when the exam had started already. Some other people were late too. We were allowed in to write but told that we will stop when others stop despite the fact that our time will still remain.
The exam was okay .Some past questions were repeated but be warned that about half of the questions were different from other candidates' own. The invigilator kept to his word by logging us out immediately others finished even though I still had about 45minutes left. I did not finish my Maths. It was good all the same.
My subjects were: Eng, Maths, Econs, Govt. For candidates that will be writing soon try and cover the following: For Government; presidential system, parliamentary/Cabinet system though few questions were on current affairs.
In Economics read Demand and supply, Elasticity, Petroleum in dustry, population etc.
Maths, Geometry, few mean and mode,dy/dx plenty,differentiation.
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