The highly anticipated Mock Exam for the 2017 UTME is finally here. At this time, we expect that all candidates participating in the Mock Exam have printed their exam slip. If not, you can use the New way to check JAMB Mock Exam Venue & Time.
Now that all is now set for the Mock Exam, it's time for us to scrutinize JAMB's new processes, and see if the conduct and handling has improved this year.
Please update us every inch of the way, especially if you encounter any issues during the process. This is a Live Updates thread, so let us know when you get to your center, and if at all there is any delay or problems experienced during the process.
You can also let us know the state and centre location you are reporting from, so that JAMB officials looking at this thread can take notes.
Remember that mobile phones are not allowed into the hall, so don't use the updates of this thread as an excuse to take your phones into the hall. You can let us know your experience after the exam.
Please mind where you keep your mobile phones and bags during the exam, and be watchful too because not everyone came to the hall to write the exam. There are actual thieves around you, so watch out!
Just update us as much as you can, and we will appreciate every bit of information you pass across. We will create a thread for detailed experiences later in the day.