I.T As Wealth Creation Takes Centre Stage At I.T Assembly

I.T As Wealth Creation Takes Centre Stage At  I.T Assembly

Participants at the just concluded 2013 Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria, (CPN) Information Technology Assembly held in Abuja were worried saying that except IT for wealth is given priority attention, the fight against poverty and unemployment will remain unabated in the country.

Accordingly, the forum noted that unless Nigerian youths were empowered with IT skills and knowledge, they may be left out in the global job market.

458 IT Professionals inducted:
However, IT assembly which also witnessed the induction of 394 professionals, 33 associates memebers, 7 graduate members and 24 affiliate members, bringing the total to 458 IT Professionals explored the huge potentials in Information Technology in creating wealth and nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship in our youths.

With creation of enabling environment in the country, the forum believe that brain drain among Nigerian graduates will be reduced.

Yusuf becomes new President:
Speaker after speaker at the annual general meeting meeting that elected Mrs. Sekinat Yusuf as the President/ Chairman of the council attracted captains of the industry strongly believe that one major way of solving the problem posed by terrorism is to embark on a serious empowerment programme that will encourage wealth creation and employment generation using IT.

IT education in schools:
The Minister of Education, Prof. Ruqayyatu Rufai while formally declaring the assembly open in Abuja during the IT Assembly noted that IT education in schools must be given priority attention so that graduates can be gainfully employed to face the knowledge society.

The Minister noted without mincing words that IT is the bailout option with respect to unemployment among youth.

According to her, the ministry will continue to invest in IT education which she said is the new engine of growth and development, adding that investing in IT, Nigeria can create wealth.

Similarly, the Minister of Communication Technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson in her remarks said that with policies and structures put in place by the present administration, unemployment through the use of IT will be put to an end at least to the barest minimum.

Incubation centers to reduce unemployment :
The Minister who was represented by Moni Udoh, an IT Director at the Ministry added that with the incubation centers being created, unemployment level will be reduced .

The minister said that the ministry was creating an environment that would be favorable to innovation, and remove low market entry barriers as well as increase the participation of Nigerian companies to stimulate job creation in the industry.

Development of IT human capital for creation:
The Director of the National Information Technology Development Agency, (NITDA), Prof. Cleopas Angaye in his presentation titled ‘the role of IT in national development’ told the gathering that unfortunately, the employment rate in the country is still very low, saying that the nation can make investment in the development of IT human capital for creation of new jobs and wealth especially for the youths.

“The information technology age has now created new jobs and new employment opportunity all over the world.

“IT gives a new employment in global competitiveness. The large number of unemployed graduates in Nigeria can be re-trained in arrears in IT in order to make them globally competitive as well as give them opportunity to create new wealth.

“These graduates when re-trained in areas such as software development, e-technology, e-commerce, web enabling technology among others will acquire new skills that will make them employable or become self-employed thus contributing to poverty alleviation”, he explained.

Empower youth for job creation:
Earlier in his welcome address, the former President/Chairman of Council Ibrahim Z. B. Tizhe noted that Nigerian youths who are the majority of the unemployed must be empowered to create jobs for themselves and others through IT.

According to him, it was in realization of this fact that the 2013 edition of IT assembly theme has to do with the role it can play in the creation of wealth.

If the youths were well empowered in ICT, the issue of unemployment will be minimized to the barest minimum, he added.

Unemployment of great concern:
“We are all aware of the fact that unemployment is a matter of great concern to the government of this country. It has over the years put in place a structure to reduce unemployment alongside other efforts by individual state governments. It is in realization of this that that this year´ theme has to do with the role IT can play in the creation of wealth” he explained.

For the President of Software Practitioners of Nigeria, (ISPON), Chris Uwaje, unless the youths were given adequate IT training in software development, little may be achieved in the quest for wealth creation.

He said that youth must be exposed to software development early in life so as to be self-reliance in the global competiveness.

Uwaje who is passioante about youth empowerment said that it was time to empower the youth in the knowledge economy.

Earlier in his address to unfold activities for the IT assembly, the Registrar/Secretary to the Council, S.A. Shehu said that unemployment in Nigeria today was an issue, which is not only germane to national security, but that also continue to stare the nation in the face.

” Efforts are being made by government at various levels to provide employment for the unemployed youths whose population is growing geometrically over the years. CPN is complementing the efforts with the dedication of this year’s assembly to fashioning out ways in which IT could be harnessed to tackle unemployment through wealth creation.

“Being without a job is indeed a disaster especially for our youths that are coming out of our tertiary educational institutions every year. Most of them are enthusiastic to work, but cannot find jobs. In societies in which most people can earn a living only by working for others, being unable to find a job is a serious problem.

“It is our candid opinion that Information Technology as a tool for job creation has not been properly explored at this time in the life of the nation when lots of educated youths are roaming the streets in search of jobs.” he further said.

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