Isa Kaita College of Education Dustin- MA wish to inform all Pre-NCE, NCE I and NCE II students and the General Public that the College will be reopened for the resumption of Academic Activities on Monday 26th October 2020.
This is coming after the assessment and approval by the Department of Higher Education and the State Ministry of Health on the preventive measure taken by the College like wearing of face masks, hand washing facilities, staggered lectures, and examinations for various sets to ensure social distancing and many others
Furthermore, the first Semester Examination will commence on Monday, 9th to Saturday 27th November 2020 While Second Semester will commence immediately on Monday, 30th November 2020
Students are advised to strictly comply with all the preventive measures protocols put in place for their and all the College's community's protection against the infection and spread of COVID-19. These include mandatory wearing of Face masks before entering the College premises, hand washing, and social distancing amongst others.
The College wishes all students safe return and safe stay