SchoolGist received many questions demanding to know if the recently released admission list of the Ahmadu Bello University was cancelled by the school following what is rumoured to be errors in the list.
Below is one of the various questions we recieved from troubled students;
"Please,SchoolGist help us confirm what is the truth about the ABU 2012/2013 undergraduate admission list.We heard that the released list was an error,therefore cancelled.Please SchoolGist how true is this because most of the already admitted students are now in agony.
SchoolGist we are waiting for you."
What SchoolGist has to say
Dear Students,
We have tried our best to reach the university to ascertain if this rumour is true or false but hitherto, none of our emails has been replied.
Our efforts too to access the university main portal to check for updates failed as the website (www.abu.edu.ng) has been experiencing downtime and doesn't come up since long.
We therefore urge all ABU prospective students to please hold on while we expect updates from the school in no time.
We also request that anybody (staff or students of the school) with useful information about this topic should please give detail below using the comment form.
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