Is admission given by JAMB or by the candidates’ school of choice? What is the difference between admission on JAMB CAPS and Admission on the school portal? Many students are still confused by these and that is the reason for this post. Now is there really a difference between being Admitted by your School of Choice or being Admitted by JAMB? We will make clarifications on this now to clear the confusion some candidates are having concerning this.
How JAMB and School Give Admission
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board – JAMB as a body has the power to offer students admission. With the introduction of the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) JAMB offers candidates admission based on the criteria and requirements set by each school.
This means that JAMB cannot offer any candidates admission without the school approving it. The same way, no school can offer any candidate admission unless JAMB confirms and approves that the candidate has met the requirements.
This implies that with the introduction of the JAMB CAPs – Central Admission Processing System, JAMB draws up a list of candidates that meets the criteria for admission in each school and send the list to the different schools. The schools look at the lists and make adjustments where needed and send the lists back to JAMB. JAMB then approves the list and gives admission to the candidates and the school on the other hand uploads that same list on its website if it chooses to.
In Summary:
As you can see, there is really no difference between JAMB Admission and School admission. However, a candidate must be offered admission by both JAMB and the school for such a candidate to be able to print Admission letter, Pay acceptance fee and register as a bonafide student of any school. Both Admissions are important. If you were admitted by JAMB then it should reflect on the school portal and vice versa.
So if you have been given admission by JAMB and no admission by your school of choice, that is a problem. On the other hand, if your school of choice offers you admission and JAMB has not offered you one, something is wrong. You need to rectify the issue to avoid losing your admission.
The problem could be that JAMB has not uploaded the list on its portal or you have not uploaded your O’level results on JAMB CAPS. Candidates are therefore advised to ensure that their O’level results are correctly uploaded on JAMB CAPS. If you need to confirm your O’level result is on JAMB CAPS, check this link: Steps To Confirm Your O’level Results Are Uploaded on JAMB CAPS. In conclusion, both the school and JAMB work together to ensure that admission is given by merit.