IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition 2021

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition 2021

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition

Design a logo for the USAID-funded Youth Excel program and win an iPad mini if your logo is selected. This competition aims to challenge youth and youth-led organizations to capture the identity, vision and purpose of Youth Excel project by designing a logo that represents its target group.

The goal is to generate a logo design for Youth Excel that can be used online (social media, websites, email etc.) and offline (collaterals, visibility items etc.) and other communications platforms.

Youth Excel is a five-year program funded by USAID and implemented by IREX and its “Our Knowledge, Leading Change” consortium. It is a global program that will empower young people and youth organizations to use implementation research to strengthen local, national, and global development solutions.

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition Eligibility

  • The competition is open to all young people 18–35 years old.
  • Individuals and groups may enter the contest.
  • Participants may submit a maximum of one entry.

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition Prizes

  • The first-place winner will receive a service contract to do further design work with Youth Excel and an iPad mini.
  • The second-and third-place winners will receive an iPad mini.

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition Criteria

  • Your logo design should reflect Youth Excel’s vision: Empowering young people and youth organizations to use implementation research to strengthen local, national, and global development solutions.
  • The logo file should be high-resolution (over 300 dpi).
  • The logo should be designed using colours (not grayscale or black and white).
  • Submit the logo file as a PNG image.
  • Do not add a watermark or imprint on your logo design.

How to Apply for IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition

You will be required to submit your logo design, your contact details, and a written description of the logo’s features and meaning.

Official Link

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