Invitation to tender at the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Invitation to tender at the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

The Federal University, Oye-Ekiti has received capital grants from the Federal Government of Nigeria and wishes to utilize part thereof for the procurement of Engineering machine shop equipment, drawing studio equipment, Basic Electrical/Electronic Engineering Laboratory equipment and Agricultural and Science Laboratory Equipment and materials.

This is therefore to invite bids from reputable companies for the supply of the following:

Lot 1 Engineering Machine shop Equipment
Lot 2 Engineering Drawing studio equipment
Lot 3 Basic Electrical/Electronic Engineering Laboratory equipment
Lot 4 Agricultural and Science Laboratory equipment and materials

1b. Information on the bid specifications can be obtained from the University’s website /component/docman or Notice Board.

2. Interested bidders are to submit the following
(i) Evidence of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission
(ii) Evidence of VAT Registration and remittances (if any)
(iii) Tax Clearance Certificates
(iv) Evidence of financial capability to execute contracts and bank guarantees
(v) Business Profile
(vi) Evidence of contributions to ITF (if applicable)
(vii Evidence of contribution to Pension Fund (if applicable)
(vii) Evidence of payment of tender fee of N10,000.00 (per lot)

3. Tender documents can be obtained from Procurement Unit, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, upon payment of non-refundable tender fee of N10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira) only per lot. Tender fee payment to be made to Federal University, Oye-Ekiti at Zenith Bank Plc, account number 1012782577

4. Submitted bids should be written in English language and pricing also should be stated in naira and kobo.

5. Bidders may bid for one or more lots as award will be conducted on lot by lot basis. Bidding for incomplete lot will be considered non-responsive and will therefore be rejected. Fully completed tender documents should be enclosed in sealed envelopes, indicating the LOT number at the top right corner of the envelop and addressed to Director, Procurement Unit, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State to reach him not later than 15th October, 2013 at 12noon.

6. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders or their representatives at 12noon on 15th October, 2013. Bidders may wish to submit their bids on the same day but not later than 12noon.

7. General Information
(i) This advertisement shall not qualify any tenderer to make any claim whatsoever, and/or seek any indemnity from Federal University, Oye-Ekiti or any of its officers by virtue of their participation in this tender.
(ii) Any further clarification on this “invitation to Tender” should be directed to the Director Procurement, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti or through and should reach him at least 10 days before the closing date for the submission of bids.

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