International Rapid Switch Initiative Scholarships At University Of Queensland - Australia

International Rapid Switch Initiative Scholarships At University Of Queensland - Australia

The University Of Queensland - Australia invites applications from Interested applicants who are looking to acquire a degree program at the Institution.

The Centre mission is to stimulate engineering innovation towards the more sustainable production and utilisation of materials and energy, with a priority given to changes that can make a substantial contribution to global environmental and social sustainability challenges.

Applications Deadline: September 20, 2018

Eligible Countries: International

Type: PhD

Eligible Field Of Study: Faculty Of Engineering, Architecture & Info Tech.

Value Of Scholarships: $5,000 per annum


  • Applicants must be International students
  • Applicants must have applied or applying to University of Queensland.
  • Applicants should demonstrate good oral and written communication skills, interest in high quality research, along with self-motivated and independent thinking.
  • Applicants should have the ability to work both independently and collaboratively within a multidisciplinary team.

Application Process: Click Here To Begin Application

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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