Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia is now accepting Scholarship applications from future international science and engineering undergraduate and postgraduate students.

QUT is a major Australian university with a global outlook and a real-world focus. They are one of the nation’s fastest growing research universities and their courses are in high demand. Their graduates include eight Rhodes Scholars, five of these awarded in the past six years.
This scholarship is sponsored by their Science and Engineering Faculty. It is available to international students who:
- have demonstrated academic excellence in their past studies
- continue to achieve high standards for the duration of their studies.
Queensland University of Technology Scholarship Eligibility.
You must meet all the following requirements:
- completed a qualifying course with the required academic results
- meet minimum English language entry requirements for the degree program. If you are completing a QUT pathway program (for English language purposes only), you may be eligible for this scholarship once you have started your degree program
- apply for and be accepted into one of these courses offered by our Science and Engineering Faculty:
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Property Economics
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Urban Development (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Master of Applied Science (Medical Physics)
- Master of Business Process Management
- Master of Engineering
- Master of Engineering Management
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology – Graduate Entry
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Master of Project Management
- Master of Engineering Management and Master of Engineering package
- Master of Engineering Management and Master of Project Management package
- Master of Engineering and Master of Project Management package.
- start your coursework degree program no later than Semester 2, 2019.
You’re not eligible if:
- you’re receiving another QUT scholarship (excluding the Merit Plus Scholarship).
QUT Scholarship Benefits.
You will receive:
- a scholarship to cover 25% of your tuition fees for your first semester of study at QUT. This scholarship is based on your entry score.
- an ongoing scholarship to cover 25% of your tuition fees per semester of study at QUT, provided you meet the academic conditions.
How to Apply for Queensland University of Technology Scholarship.
You do not need to apply for this scholarship.
We will assess your qualifications when you apply for study, and we will let you know if you meet the criteria.
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Apply Before: Scholarship is open for the year 2018.
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