Change is a constant thing so they say, so we should embrace it. A s students we should always aspire to change for the better,in our studies ,academic life.
lets talk about a growing and changing person person and its characteristics. we have two kinds of beings, the extrovert and introvert

A growing person is self-renewing…. As new as each new day… study his face and hands, listen to his voice …. Look for change… it is certain that he has changed.

I ask what kind of person are you trying to become, becoming a person is a lifelong, dynamic process
The fully human person preserves a balance between “interiority” and “exteriority” both the extreme extrovert and introvert are off balance let me explain.

The introvert is almost exclusively concerned with himself; he becomes the center of gravity in his own universe. Because of his preoccupation with self, he is distracted from the vast world outside. The extreme extrovert pour himself out, moves from one external distraction another.

His life I s not reflective at all, and consequently there is little interior deepening. As Socrates said, “The unreflected life isn’t worth living.” The first condition of growth is balance.

Interiority” implies that a person has explored himself and has experienced himself. He is aware of the vitality of his sense, emotions, mind and will, and he is neither a stranger to, nor afraid of, the activities of his body and emotions. His sense brings him both beauty and pain, and he refuses neither. He is capable of the whole human gamut of emotions: from grieve to tenderness.

His mind is alive and searching; he will reach out for an ever greater possession of all that is and at the same time savors that which is already in his possession. He has listened to himself, and he knows that nothing which he hears is evil of frightening.

He is howeve4r realistic about his limitations, he does not dwell in the dream of what he wants to be and spend the rest of his life convincing himself that he is these things. He has listened to, explored and loved what he is actually is.

And each new day this experience of himself will be as new as the day itself because he is forever changing, always a new person, revealed in a constantly changing, self-renovating personality.

He trust his own abilities and resources, confident that he can adapt to the cope with all the challenges that his life will present..
This kind of self=acceptance empowers him to live fully and confidently with all that goes on inside him, and he is afraid of nothing that is or could be a part of himself.

Check out this same website tomorrow for the EXTERIORITY till then keep browsing on my where every information is given to you live and raw as it is and ever life changing experience, topics , ideas, articles and lots more.

Still your best SchoolGistblossom
To succeed in life you got to make up your mind which one to become.
Hope you are still studying for your jamb with The JAMD CBT SOFTWARE. Every good thing has a price

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