Inspirational: How To Be Unique In What You Do

Inspirational: How To Be Unique In What You Do

Diversity of minds and point of view are ridiculed in some places. Being unique implies that you want to think/act in a new way. A way not common to your surrounding. Read this post in order to open your mind.

You notice that if a father is employed in a well-paying firm, he wants his child to continue his legacy. Legacy of employment or what? Being unique isn’t welcomed especially in African countries. There’s this fear you feel: where can you work? Who will support you? Being unique implies that you’ll have to suffer the stress of starting something new. You’re a pioneer and have less or no external experience to copy from.

To help dissolve this fear, change these questions:

1. Where will I work?
2. Who’ll support me?


1. What can I do?
2. Who’ll acknowledge me?


1. The question where will I work implies that you’re actually learning a course for the purpose of employment. Although employment is fine, you shouldn’t feel satisfied in life that you’re employed. You should always focus on how you could be independent. Remember that no tree can grow taller than its umbrella tree. The owner of the company you’re working in doesn’t have two heads neither two brains. He’s a human like you, he once had a dream to own a large firm and employ many people.

Don’t you have same ability to dream? Change the question of where will I work to what can I do because if you ask what you could do, you’re opening/diversifying your point of view.

What can you do could also imply you start from the scratch to achieve your goal because there isn’t much of competition around. What can you do could make you find much options to work with if one doesn’t work.

2. The question who’ll support me (in terms of finding jobs for you) implies that you’re following a very common course. This simply means you’re afraid that if there are some available jobs within your field, the competitive rate might not allow you to be employed. The only way is to find connection.

Changing the question to who’ll acknowledge you means that you’re following your true passionate course and you’re serious about it. It means that when you’ve started working in harmony with your passion, you’re looking for who’s gonna know your true worth. This makes you be able to do more and better so people would be able to advertise you on your back.

Implications of being unique

1. You’ll do something because it’s beneficial to you
2. You’ll not follow trends
3. Remember that the future is yours to live

Graduates who studied a trending course complaining of being unemployed should examine these points:

Did You Give The Course The Needed Focus?
Some students while at school, didn’t have educational focus. They were interested in fun. Lecturers have connection to firms. Lecturers could easily refer a hard-working student to the firm. Students who were not serious at school most probably have a lower chance of finding employment except they also have connection.

Can you prove your worth?

If you become lucky and got called for an interview, can you actually prove your worth? Do you think only the certificate matters? If you’ve graduated and within you, you know that you’re not good in the practical aspect of the course, find time in learning more so that any firm that wants to employ you would know your worth

Can you pioneer?

In case you’ve waited for so long and you’re still not employed, can you start something doing? If you start something, you’ll have customers which could advertise you. By the time many people know your worth, you’ll see firms begging to employ you. By then, it’s your decision to take if you’re to be dependent or independent. Remember the principle above: no tree can grow taller than its cover tree.

The only way to accept this post is to change your previous mentality.

If you’ve changed your mentality, how can you reach your goal?

If you’re to study a common course or one rare, keep in mind that you shouldn’t decide your course because of someone. This life is yours to live. Your father works there doesn’t imply you work there as well. I’ve said so before and am saying it again: innovation/being unique is the new cool.

Written By Elijah
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