Infoscope Launches 'The Infoscope Awards' For FUTO students

Infoscope Launches 'The Infoscope Awards' For FUTO students

The INFOSCOPE is gradually becoming a household name in journalism here in FUTO and as part of our resolve to encourage and improve academic performance, excellence in character, leadership and integrity in the university we have decided to institute a yearly award to be called ‘The Infoscope Awards’.

Nominations and voting would be open to all students through several mediums. Winners would be announced on the last edition of the Infoscope for the year. The entire process will be as open and transparent as possible.

Nominations would be accepted for the following awards;

i. Most disciplined student,
ii. Most outstanding student leader
iii. Most outstanding student of integrity
iv. Student entrepreneur of the year
v. Most responsible student
vi. SUG executive official of the year
vii. Tutorial Master Of the Year
viii. Bukar of the Year
ix. Hostel Of the Year
x. Fellowship Of The year
xi. Sportsman of the year
xii. Sportswoman of the year
xiii. Merit award for lecturer of the year

Nomination starts by Wednesday 22nd of May and closes by 31st of May after which voting will commence. Send in the names of those you are nominating alongside the position you are nominating them for and the reason you are nominating them to 08138543144 or post it on our Facebook wall at

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