Imo state university senate (apex decision making body) has prohibited the selection or election of course representatives and faculty and departmental students associations in the school.
According to a notice sent to the Heads of Departments and Deans of Faculties from the office of the Registrar, dated 11th May, 2015, the senate has proscribed the practice of selection or election of course representatives and student departmental and faculty associations in the institution.
The notice reads:
Imo state University Office of the Registrar Internal Memorandum Proscription of Course Representative and Departmental/Faculty Student Associations. The senate of the university at its 58th regular meeting held on the Wednesday April 29, 2015, adopted a resolution to proscribe the practice of selection/election of course representatives and departmental/faculty associations.
All deans, heads of departments and students are strongly advised to adhere strictly to this directive since the university management has been mandated to deal severely with its contravention All deans and heads of departments are kindly enjoined to convey this directive to all students.
I reserve my comment on this for now. It should be noted that Imo state university, Owerri has gone a year without a Students Union Government.