LAUTECH Notice to Students Having Issues with JAMB

LAUTECH Notice to Students Having Issues with JAMB

LAUTECH Notice to Students

The Management of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) important information to all students having any form of issues with JAMB, not limited to the categories stated below:

i. Matriculated students of 2017/2018; 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 sets who were yet to be given JAMB admission letter. ( Not yet admitted case on JAMB CAP);

ii. Matriculated students whose admission status still displays other Universities/Institutions;

iii. Matriculated students who were offered a different course of program aside from the admitted courses in the University;

iv. Matriculated students who did not choose LAUTECH as their first choice on the JAMB CAP

v. Transferred student who is unable to change his/her JAMB admission letter from his/her former Institution to LAUTECH;

vi. Matriculated student who accepts other institution on JAMB CAP instead of LAUTECH

vii. Student who could not be proposed for admission due to non-uploading of O’level results on CAPS

Kindly provide the below details within one week to

a) Name:


c) Matric No:

d) Year of Admission

e) Department/Programme

f) Nature of the issue with the JAMB

N.B: Please note that this is the last opportunity to avail yourself of solving this issue and failure to comply literally means forfeiture of your studentship irrespective of your level.

Dr. A.O. Ige
Ag. Dean, Student Affairs,
Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State

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