We're extremely pleased that, against all odds, you have been able to make it this far in your quest for admission this 2017/2018 Session.
As a JAMB candidate seeking admission, you should know that there is a life after JAMB (which will only last for 1 week). After JAMB, the results will be out, then the cut-off, then admission screening follows, and hopefully your admission will come through. The only way to survive and eventually gain admission this 2017/2018 session is to be the smartest, and the brightest, and always be informed. You alone are responsible for whatever outcome that eventually follows.
The first thing you should know is that this website, www.schoolgist.ng, is practically the only site that can properly guide you up to when you eventually gain admission. We've been doing this since inception, and we have so much experience that we've become indispensable, not just to students but to other educational websites.
Thus far, we have provided you with almost all the resources you require to pass this exam, Syllabus, Brochure, Past Questions, Tools Such as Mobile App, Computer Softwares, free online practice, you name it. We're still not relenting, we will continue to do more until you finally gain admission.
We will be following up on everything JAMB 2017 has to offer, starting from Saturday, 13th May, when the exam begins. We will bring you LIVE UPDATES!, Experiences on Each Day, Sharing of Questions Presented, Results Released Notification, and basically anything you need to know as the exams proceed. If you have still not downloaded our app, you should start doing that now by clicking here.
Please try as much as possible to visit this website as many times as you can everyday. We are usually the first to get most of these information, and we will be releasing information frequently. We only hope you will be at the other end to receive these information, get updated and act immediately on our information. We are almost always that reliable.
Our success also depends on you. Without you, we won't be able to function. We love you guys, and it's in our interest to see that you succeed. That's why we can post information even at 3:00AM. That's how passionate we are about you.
Whatever information you have, don't relent to share it with us or with your fellow students. In the end, we're all one.
As JAMB 2017 starts on Saturday, let's pray that all our preparations, and efforts see us through. We pray for retentive memory, that all we read and practiced will be enough to give us our desired score for our desired course in our desired institution.
This is your final one! Go out there and blast your JAMB.