All GRADUANDS are hereby informed to be available at the College premises by 8.00am on Saturday, 22nd January, 2022 (Convocation Day) for the collection of the academic gown and order of proceedings, which include the 2021 GRADUANDS YEARBOOK.
Distribution of the academic gown commence by 8.00am and ends by 9.00am, while a procession of graduands commences by 9.30am as the program commences 9.45am.
No graduand will be allowed in after the procession of the principal officers and the GRADUANDS.
Each GRADUAND will be allowed in along with his/her visitor which should not be more than one (1).
Academic gowns should be returned immediately after the ceremony.
Note: 2nd semester 2020/2021 School fees and convocation receipt should be brought along while coming.
The College customized official nose masks is available at the gown collection centre which is the only approved one before entry to the auditorium at a flat rate of N500.