IIDN Writing Contest for Junior Secondary Students 2018

IIDN Writing Contest for Junior Secondary Students 2018

IIDN Writing Contest

The Initiative for Inclusive Dialogue in Nigeria (IIDN) is pleased to launch a writing contest, targeted at JSS 1 through to JSS 3 students in Lagos, Nigeria.

Essay submissions must be on the topic: What Good Governance Means to Me.

IIDN Writing Contest Prizes

  • 1st prize: 15,000 naira
  • 2nd prize: 10,000 naira
  • 3rd prize: 5,000 naira

How to Enter IIDN Writing Contest

Essay submission should be between 500 to 800 words (maximum) in length.

Please email your essay to: info@iidnigeria.org. Signify in the subject line of your email that you are participating in the writing contest.

Essay can also be sent in by contestant’s self-identified guardian – in this case, please state clearly why the contestant is unable to send the email by him or herself.  

Each essay submission should clearly identify the names of the contestant, class and school enrolled in.

By participating in this contest, each contestant gives IIDN permission to publish the submitted essay (names included) on the IIDN website, should we choose to.

Apply Before: 11:00pm on May 20, 2018.

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