Ignatius Ajuru University Schedule of Events for 2014/2015 Orientation Exercise

Ignatius Ajuru University  Schedule of Events for 2014/2015 Orientation Exercise


DAY 1: 8th December, 2014 GENERAL ACTIVITIES

9.30am Arrival of Fresh Students at the auditorium

10.00am Arrival of Principal Officers of the University

10.30am Opening prayer by Dean, Faculty of Humanities

10.35am The National and IAUE Anthems

10.40am Introduction of the Principal Officers of the Institution by the PRO Unit

10.50am The Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Mrs) R. D. Green-Osahogulu declares the orientation programme open and presents her opening address.

11.30am Short presentation by Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof. J. B. Kinanee “Academic Programmes and the distribution of Academic Departments at the three campuses of the University”.

11.40pm Short presentation by the Registrar, Barrister Ikem Adiele; “University Regulations, and the Requirements for Graduation.

12.00pm Short presentation by the Bursar Mr. D. Ojima JP; “School Fees Payment and Studentship”.

12.10pm. Short presentation by the Librarian Dr. (Mrs) Boma Obi, “Use of the University Library”.

12.30pm Short musical interlude by Music Department.

12.50pm Short presentation by the Director of Health Services; “Health Issues and the University Environment”.

1.00pm Short presentation by the Director ICT Prof. D. Osahogulu, “Use of the University ICT Center”.

1.20pm Short presentation by the Chief Security Officer Mr. S. Nwidua; “Security Issues on Campus and Services of the Security Unit”.

1.40pm Short presentation by the President of Student Union
Government; Mr. Micheal Wonodi on “Student Unionism and membership of student Clubs, Associations and Societies on Campus”.

2.00pm Brief Summary on the life of a student on campus by the Ag. Dean Students Affairs, Dr. (Mrs) V. E. Okogbaa.

2.10pm Question and answers session.

3.30pm Vote of thanks by the Students Affairs Officer, Elder S. Okechuku.

3.35pm Closing prayers by Male Warden (MC) Pastor Martins Adekanmbi.

Day 2: Tuesday 9th Dec. 2014

9.40am All fresh students assemble at the auditorium for the second day activities.
10.00am Talk 1: “Making the most of University Education” by

11.00am Talk 2: “How to Stay Focused and Motivated through the 4 years of Undergraduate work” Dr. (Mrs) D. C. Inko-Taria.

12.00pm Talk 3: “How to Respond to Emergencies and Crisis Situations in a University Environment” By Dr. J. Udechukwu.

1.00pm Question and answers and interactive session.

Day 3: Wednesday 10th Dec. 2014

10.00am Fresh Students assemble at the Auditorium for the inter-faculty debate.

1030am Inter-Faculty Debates to be Anchored by Mrs I. Ken-Maduako of English Department.

3.30pm Novelty football march between final year 2014/2015 and Fresh Students 2014/2015 The Vice Chancellor will take the kick off.

Day 4: Thursday 11th Dec. 2014

9.40am All fresh students assemble at the auditorium to be taken on a tour of some important University Facilities listed below:

1 Students Affairs Unit
2 Academic Office
3 Administrative Block
4 Bursary Department
5 Library Department
6 Health Center
7 Security Department
8 Admission Office
9 Information, Communications and Technology Center (ICT)
10 Faculties of Education, Humanities, Science and Social Science at the Main Campus.
11 Halls of Residence at the Main Campus

We expect that at each point the Head of the Facilities would come out and briefly address the students in addition to conducting the students around their facility where feasible.

Day 5: Friday 12th Dec. 2014

All fresh students to report to their faculties to be received by their respective Deans of Faculties at 10am. Fresh Students would be introduced to their various Heads of Department and Lecturers in their departments. Fresh student would be conducted around the facilities in their faculty / department.

It is proposed here that a forum be created by Deans and HODs in every faculty to interact with their students on this day. Student faculty representatives and Presidents of departmental Associations where they exist should liaise with this Deans to be part of this event.

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