This is to inform all 2019/2020 UTME/DE candidates of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education that JAMB has automated the admission process in such a way that candidates who have not uploaded their O/level results cannot be offered admission.
It has also been observed that some candidates who got their O’level result before the period of JAMB registration did not upload them during registration, either they did not submit to the JAMB CBT centre that registered them or the CBT centres did not do quality registration of the candidate’s data. Therefore, candidates are advised to:
1. Log-in to their JAMB profile (https://www.jamb.org.ng/efacility_/)
2. Click on ‘Check Admission Status,
3. Click on ‘Access my CAPS’
4. Click on ‘My O’level result to confirm if your O’level is uploaded.
If not visit any nearby accredited JAMB CBT centre or Ignatius Ajuru University of Education ICT centre to upload your O’level result.
Admission cannot be processed for candidates whose O’level status in CAPS indicates ‘Awaiting Result’.
5. MONITORING OF ADMISSION THROUGH CAPS: Following the above instructions 1-3, click on Admission Status to monitor your admission. This will enable you know when you have been
recommended for admission or admission approved by JAMB. If you are recommended for admission and the admission is approved by JAMB, you can go ahead and accept your admission, print your admission letter and follow other directives from the university for clearance.
6. APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF PROGRAMME: In line with the CAPS implementation policy, the university will consider some students for transfer from the choice programme to another programme because of UTME and O’level combinations, therefore, following instructions 1-3 above, candidates are also expected to monitor their admission further by clicking the ‘Transfer Approval’ link to know if they are recommended for transfer to another program. You are required to either accept or reject, this transfer consideration. If you accept, your first choice institution will be able to admit you in the new program. If you reject, you will remain in your preferred Course / Program. The program transfer will not be effected.
You are urgently required to cooperate with the above guidelines.
K.H. Kue-Ikoro (Mrs.)