IFCN Education Scholarships for Young Clinical Neurophysiologists in Africa & Developing Countries 2022

IFCN Education Scholarships for Young Clinical Neurophysiologists in Africa & Developing Countries 2022

The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of education fellowships that will be awarded to support training in clinical neurophysiology for applicants without access to similar training in their home country. The maximum award for each fellowship will be $25,000 for one-year fellowships, with proportionately less for shorter fellowships.

About International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN)

We represent national and sections of professional societies as well as individuals who share the desire to promote best practices in clinical neurophysiology through education and research throughout the world.

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IFCN Education Scholarships

Application Deadline15 Jul 2022
Country to studyCanada
TypeCollege School
SponsorInternational Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of IFCN Education Scholarships

  • Both the education and research scholarships are for $25,000 USD.

Requirements for IFCN Education Scholarships Qualification

  1. Member of an IFCN member society, or the International Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ICNS) for members from non-affiliated countries
  2. Applicants with a minimum of 2 years in core medical training (e.g. neurology, rehabilitation medicine, clinical neurophysiology) are preferred
  3. Intent to return to their country after the period of fellowship
  4. There are no age limits
  5. Scope and period of training:
    1. Any field of clinical neurophysiology including general or specific/specialised techniques for which training opportunities are not available in their own country
    2. Applicants are encouraged to identify training centres within their own Chapter when possible
    3. The minimum duration of training is 3 months with a maximum 1 year
  6. Candidates must contact the education mentor themselves and obtain permission for the fellowship. (The mentor will be required to complete section III of the application form)

Interview date, Process and Venue for IFCN Education Scholarships

The IFCN Education Committee will make the selection of successful candidates. Applicants will be informed of the decision by 15 August 2022.

The successful candidate will be expected to fulfill the following obligations:

  • Negotiate the exact dates of the fellowship with the host institution. The fellowship should be started within one year of receiving the award.
  • It is expected that the fellowship will be completed without interruption, but if special circumstances arise, exceptions will be considered.
  • At the end of the fellowship, the successful candidate must provide a report within a month of completion and at one year
  • The successful applicant is expected to provide future plans of how they will contribute to IFCN and their field
  • The successful applicant agrees to assist and allow promotion of the award through various media outlets, including social media.

Documents Required for Application

  • Evidence of relevant medical training
  • Copy of passport or other government issued ID
  • Letter of recommendation from the home institution
  • Letter of acceptance from the host institution supervisor/mentor
  • Certificate of membership in an IFCN member society, or the International Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ICNS) for members from non-affiliated countries

Application Deadline

July 15, 2022

How to Apply

Applicants must complete one of the following application forms:

Please send your application and additional required materials to the Secretariat of the IFCN via email at [email protected].

For any enquiries, please email: Catherine Lamoureux, IFCN Program Manager at [email protected].

For more details,visit IFCN website

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