If you are still unable to print your JAMB Exam slip by now, here are the steps you should take.
From all indications, JAMB may most likely begin exams on 27th Feb, 2016, as indicated on some of the exam slips printed by some candidates. This means, we expect all candidates to have printed their slips before 27th Feb.
At this time, it's getting late for you to do that already and we hope you're are still preparing, just in case you fall on 27th Feb.
Here are the steps;
1. Ensure you stay up this night (2am, 3am, 4am, 5am) for as long as you can or you can set an alarm for such a time to see if you can at least download your PDF file using the procedures we outlined here. If you are successful, you can go to any business centre around you (with your phone cable) to print your slip from your phone.
2. If you are unsuccessful all through the night, you should head to the nearest accredited CBT centre near you as it appears they may have a special link they use to make such print outs. If they ask you to drop your details and a small fee (just go with N500), please do. You may be asked to come back the next day.
3. When you get home, keep trying to download the slip yourself and TRY STEP 1 all over again.
4. Always visit our website to post your registration number or to check if you have been replied on your request for your slip. You should also check to see if we have any better information regarding this issue.