IDRC/SIDA Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D) Africa Scholarships for PhD Students 2022

IDRC/SIDA Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D)  Africa Scholarships for PhD Students 2022

The African Center for Technology Studies has received a grant from the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to support the training of PhD students in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as well as the research work of Early Career Academics or Scholars (Early Career and Post-Doc) in AI & ML. The research work within this program must be within AI and centered around STEM disciplines that attempt to address any of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Category 1 -Registered PhD students: Invitation will target candidates who are already registered for PhD, have finished course work as well as research proposals. This will be open to all universities offering PhD in AI (or any of its derivatives). Eight in-country scholarships (4 female and 4 male) will be given for a period of two years. Selection will be based purely on the quality of the candidates and proposals. This call will be done twice, 4 admitted in Year 1 (Cohort 1) and 4 admitted in year 2 (Cohort 2).

Category 3 – Early Career Academics: Under the ECA scholarship, 8 Early Career Academics will be supported. This will mainly target those ECA who have capacity to supervise PhD and MSc students.

Category 4 – Post-doctoral researchers: It is assumed that there may be challenge getting suitable female ECA. Therefore, the (AI4D) Africa Scholarships will also support 4 post-doctoral positions for female candidates and those from disadvantaged countries to build capacities for AI research and training in their universities. The program will support each successful post-doctoral candidate with 4 MSc positions.

About International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

As part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, IDRC champions and funds research?and innovation?within?and alongside developing?regions?to?drive global change. Our head office is located in Ottawa, Canada, while five regional offices keep us close to our work. They are located in Montevideo, Uruguay; Nairobi, Kenya; Dakar, Senegal; Amman, Jordan; and New Delhi, India. IDRC is governed by a board of up to 14 governors, whose chairperson reports to Parliament through the Minister of International Development. IDRC was established by an act of Canada’s parl... read more

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Registered PhD students

Application Deadline17 Feb 2022
SponsorInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Registered PhD students

Each successful student will receive partial AI4D Africa Scholarships of up to $ 27,000 distributed as shown below

  • Tuition fees for two years ($ 4000)
  • Research activities ($ 17,000)
  • Traveling support for the supervisors ($ 6,000)

Requirements for Registered PhD students Qualification

  • All applicants must be already registered in an AI study (machine learning, expert system, natural language processing, intelligent robotics etc.) under a supervisor, have finished coursework as well as research proposal. The applicant must attach a letter of support by their supervisor, and a copy of the PhD study admission letter.
  • All applicants should have competent academic credentials and demonstrate motivation and commitment to pursue an academic career.
  • All applicants should have thorough knowledge of the language of instruction within their host university of choice (English, French or Portuguese).
  • All applicants must be nationals or permanent residents of any sub-Saharan country.

Apply here

Application Deadline

February 17, 2022 Interested in this scholarship; Go down to apply

Early Career Academics

Application Deadline17 Feb 2022
SponsorInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Early Career Academics

Each successful ECA will receive a scholarship of US$ 68,000. This will cover:

  • Tuition fees for one PhD student for two years (US$ 4000)
  • Tuition fees for two MSc students (US$4000)
  • Research costs (US$ 25,000)
  • Research infrastructure (US$ 30,000)
  • Traveling costs (US$ 5,000)

Requirements for Early Career Academics Qualification

  • Each applicant must have held a PhD in AI and ML, for the last 3 – 5 years as at application.
  • All applicants should have competent academic credentials and demonstrate motivation and commitment to pursue an academic career.
  • All applicants must be nationals or permanent residents of any sub-Saharan country.

Apply here

Application Deadline

February 17, 2022 Interested in this scholarship; Go down to apply

Post-doctoral researchers

Application Deadline17 Feb 2022
SponsorInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Post-doctoral researchers

Each successful candidate will receive a scholarship of US$ 63,000:

  • Tuition fee for 4 MSc students = US$ 8,000
  • Research activities = US$ 20,000
  • Research infrastructure = US$ 30000
  • Traveling cost = US$ 5,000

Requirements for Post-doctoral researchers Qualification

  • Each applicant must have held a PhD in AI and ML, for not more than 2 years as at application.
  • All applicants should have competent academic credentials and demonstrate motivation and commitment to pursue an academic career.
  • All applicants must be nationals or permanent residents of any sub-Saharan country.

Apply here

Application Deadline

February 17, 2022

How to Apply

For more details,visit AI4D website

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