IDC Social Employment Fund 2022

IDC Social Employment Fund 2022

As part of Government’s broader economic recovery agenda, the Presidential Employment Stimulus seeks to use direct public investment to support employment opportunities, counteracting job losses due to Covid-19, and creating an opportunity for growth and renewal.

The stimulus package now includes social employment, as part of its portfolio of interventions to create jobs and support livelihoods.

Applications are encouraged, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Placemaking, including informal settlement upgrading, urban agriculture, etc.
  • Health and care, including care of the vulnerable, antenatal care, etc.
  • Community safety and action against gender-based violence, including counseling for victims, support for refugees, etc.
  • Greening and the environment, including trees for townships, recycling, etc.
  • Food security and nutrition, including food gardens, food waste strategies with farmers, etc.
  • Education support, including ECD, after school care, computer clinics, community libraries, etc.
  • Community and public art, including activities at community art centres, etc.
  • Cross cutting/multi-disciplinary.
  • Other, including digitization and new ideas.

About Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa Limited was established in 1940 through an Act of Parliament (Industrial Development Corporation Act, 22 of 1940) and is fully owned by the South African Government. IDC priorities are aligned with the national policy direction as set out in the National Development Plan (NDP), Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) and industry Master Plans. Our mandate is to maximise our development impact through job-rich industrialisation, while contributing to an inclusive economy by, among others, funding black-owned and empowered companies, b...... read more

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Social Employment Fund

Application Deadline08 Dec 2022
Country to studySouth Africa
SponsorIndustrial Development Corporation (IDC)
GenderMen and Women

Requirements for Social Employment Fund Qualification

The Industrial Development Corporation invites relevant organisations that are interested in participating in the Social Employment Fund to submit bid proposals aligned to the requirements contained in the Terms of Reference.

Application Deadline

December 8, 2022

How to Apply

For more details, visit IDC website.

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