This is to bring to your notice that the Anti-Plagiarism (TURNITIN) Platform will be active as from Monday 6 February, 2023.
Consequently, all final years students as well as Post-Graduate students are by this notice directed to commence the payment of test fee as stated hereof Into the IBBU Anti-Plagiarism.
Account with IBBU Microfinance Bank, Lapai.
Account Name: IBBU Anti-Plagiarism
Account Number: 1100000345
Undergraduates: N2,000.00k
Post Graduates: (a) Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) and Master students: N 5,000.00k
(b) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): N7, 000.00K
The teller should capture the students Name and Matriculation Number for proper identification and documentation.
Thank you.