The attention of the Management of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE) has been drawn to a post on the social media,,(Ignatius Ajuru University All Campuses) by one Levi Zachariah George and titled "The Messiah has increased the School Fees" . Management condemns in strong and clear terms, the false, misleading and malicious write up by the said Levi Zachariah George. The facts which can be verified remains that:
1. Management did not at any time increase school fees
2. Fees for returning students (old students) remains the same with the policy of part payment
3. The only extra charges for incoming year one students (new students) is Entrepreneurship and Anti-Cultism books in addition to biometrics exercise introduced to check impersonation in CBT examinations.
4. IAUE school fees is lower compared with other Universities and this is open for everyone to verify.
5. Management runs an open door policy for students to freely interact and it may interest the writer to know that through these interactions, fees of some students who are in dire need of help and with no blood ties are being paid by Management.
Students and Members of the public are by this notice advised to disregard the said publication by Levi Zachariah George for they contain falsehood and geared towards causing disaffection in the hitherto peaceful University environment.
IAUE Management is students friendly, has always been and will always be because our students are our pride.