The Management of Ignatius Ajuru University has made an important announcement regarding the 1st semester online examinations for 2019/2020 session. Recall that the first Semester Examinations for the 2019/2020 Academic Session were written online as approved by the University Senate on 15th June, 2020.
The Senate at its Emergency Meeting of Wednesday, 14 October 2020 considered the results of the Examinations and decided that:
1. All scores of "A" and "B" by students in the two (2) courses should stand.
2. All students (Non-SIWES) group who missed the examinations will write theirs online at the ICT Center of the University on a date to be announced later.
3. All those who took part in the examinations but scored below a "B" or failed and are willing to re write the examinations are allowed to do so.
4. All SIWES students are expected to participate in the examinations with others on the date to be announced later.
5. All Heads of Departments are to compile the names of students in their various Departments who are to participate in the examinations and submit the same to the Office of the Registrar on or before Friday, 23 October, 2020.
You are please requested to bring the above information to the attention of all Final Year students of your Departments.
K.H.Kue-Ikoro (Mrs.)