IAUE management lifts the suspension order on students

IAUE management lifts the suspension order on students

Based on appeals from well-meaning individuals, the Management of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, on behalf of Senate, hereby lifts the suspension order on the two students: Mr. Chibuzor Remmy and Mr. Sunday Idonegit, who published materials on the social media capable of causing public disorder.

In like manner, the two male students Mr. Abraham Chidokpewem ThankGod, a level 100 student of Geography Department and Mr. Davies Onengiye D, a level 100 student of Sociology Department caught in the female hostels are hereby recalled from their suspension. These two students were suspended as a result of their disobedience to the order restraining male students from visiting female students at odd times. This order became necessary because of an incidence of gang rape of a female student by male students in one of the male hostels.

The University Management however, warns that henceforth, any student who does anything capable of bringing the University to public ridicule will be disciplined according to the rules and regulations of the University.


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