IATA Air Cargo Career Competition 2020

IATA Air Cargo Career Competition 2020

IATA Air Cargo Career Competition

FACE-UP! gives recent graduates from around the world with the opportunity to present their thesis to industry executives at the 2020 World Cargo Symposium (WCS) in Istanbul, Turkey.

Their work must focus on innovation and transformation in air transport logistics (e.g., transportation, operations, mobility, revenue management, distribution, customer experience, etc.). The entries received will be evaluated based upon the innovative, transforming, and visionary nature of the content, as well as the quality of the solution presented in the thesis.

An independent jury panel will choose the top three entrants. They will be invited to pitch their thesis idea in front of 1200 top-level industry professionals at the closing plenary of the WCS. Besides being a unique networking opportunity, attending the WCS will also provide a valuable chance to learn about the latest trends and developments in the air cargo industry.

IATA Air Cargo Career Competition Eligibility.

  • Applicants should be university graduate (Bachelor, Masters, or Ph.D.), current or within two years of graduation
  • Thesis preferably defended before December 2019
  • Research focused on air transport logistics
  • Able to present in a dynamic and captivating way at the WCS Closing Plenary

IATA Air Cargo Career Competition Prizes.

  • Entry pass to the Future Air Cargo Executive Summit (FACES) 2020 and the FACE Cocktail will be free for each individual entrant that is shortlisted as a finalist.
  • Entry pass to 2020 WCS will be free for each individual Entrant that is shortlisted as a finalist, including travel and accommodation.
  • Each shortlisted finalist will be given a 10-minute presentation slot at the 2020 WCS Closing Plenary to present their thesis.

How to Enter IATA Air Cargo Career Competition.

Applicants must include in the form:

  • A link to a 2-3 minute video about their educational background, the topic of the thesis, and their vision on how to modernize the air cargo industry, in English.
  • A zip file including an executive summary of the thesis in English (2-3 pages maximum) and their entire thesis

Apply Here Official Link

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