How we do it here in FUTMINNA - Must read article for fresh students

How we do it here in FUTMINNA - Must read article for fresh students

"One thing that always amuse me is the fact that we all have collective intentions at the very beginning (to finish with a first class or second class Upper) but at the long run (say 300Level), guys be like “make I no just get F”, “wetin go be, go be”. Now the question is what differentiates the “wetin go be go be” to the dream achiever (I st class or 2nd class), you will find out the why in this article.

What is F.U.T Minna?
To some people, it is simply Frustration Under Tension, while others see a better meaning to it saying Favor Under Tension. Mind you, what you see is what you just might get. Therefore, I urge you to see favor and not frustration. Flyers Under Training. F.U.T Minna, a citadel of learning is where you resume school before resumption date and still find student already jacking (reading) the untaught handouts, material and some, dolefully has nothing to show for it at the end of the semester (that’s absurd , isn’t it? Yes it is). The remedy is simply in this article as you read on. The problem is, most don’t know the KNOW HOW."

That is Just a Fraction of the Article. Here is the pdf download link.

It will be useful for other schools too. Especially freshers. Please I want you to help me to help fresh Students. We don't want them to make the same Mistake people like us make. Thanks

ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. My matriculation gift for you guys. Cheers!
Contact: BBM: 28CFA739 MOBILE: 07069415405, TWITTER: @seunex4real

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