Without wasting much of your time, here are the surest tips to success in post-utme
1. If you know the subjects you offered in UTME pick up their Jamb past questions from 1978-2013 study them very well infact cram all questions and the answers to them one-by-one make sure you go through all your subjects starting from English! Why I say starting from english is that most schools post-utme contains more of English questions. Please refer to Jamb brochure to see the subjects for your course or you can ask me by posting a comment here so I can help you check it.
2. Having gone through the 1st step, the next thing is those questions you couldn't understand how their answers came about, use your textbooks to read that topic fully.
3. Don't depend on any form of malpractice or someone helping you when you know this golden steps.
4. Buy your school's Past post-utme questions go through it and observe how they lift questions from Jamb questions yourself #winkz#.
5. Sit for your post utme
6. See your high score
7. Get admitted
8. Pay your acceptance fee
9. Pay your school fees
10. Matriculate!